Antoine GODIN
Economist - Modeler
Antoine Godin is in charge of the development and monitoring program for the GEMMES macroeconomic modeling tool. Developed by AFD, this is one of the only tools to incorporate the economic and financial risks associated with climate disruption and resource scarcityinto its scenarios. Joining AFD in 2017, Antoine Godin first worked on developing an application of the GEMMES model to the economies of Colombia and Morocco. He has been in charge of the GEMMES unit since July 2019. Before joining AFD, this economist contributed to the methodological development of several macroeconomic modeling approaches, all built around the concept of interactions between economic and financial dynamics. He has been a consultant to the Bank of England and Professor of Financial Economics at Kingston University, London. An associate economist at the Centre d’économie de l’Université Paris-Nord(CEPN), Antoine Godin holds an engineering degree in applied mathematics from theUniversité catholique de Louvain ( Belgium ) and a PhD in economics fromthe University of Pavia ( Italy). Using coherent stock-flow and multi-agent models, he has studied innovation dynamics, financial instabilities and guaranteed-employment policies.