Emeritus Professor, University of Namur
Professor of Translation Studies, Cardiff University
Research Officer, Center for People and Environ (CPE)
Economist at the IMF Research Department
Associate Vice-President, IFAD
Associate Professor, University of Oxford
Postdoctoral researcher, Peak Urban
Director, Center for People and Environ (CPE), Bangladesh & Research Scholar, Tripura University, India
Research Officer, Center for People and Environ (CPE)
Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University
Professor, University of Hyderabad
Head of the Center of Strategy and Competitiveness – Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, UWIDr. Richard Ramsawak is Head of the Center of Strategy and Competitiveness – Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, UWI. He has significant experience
Extraordinary Associate Professor in Economics, University of Stellenbosch
Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California at San Diego
Post-Doc Researcher, CERD2
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Oxford
Research Officer, French Development Agency