Enhance your communication skills as a researcher

GlobalDev is a blog aiming to connect development research to successful policies. We make research accessible to all so that evidence feeds into policy and creates a positive impact!

certificate Global Dev

Get certified in effective communication

Our Communication Skills Certificate is designed to elevate your ability to present and share your research. By completing our targeted workshops, you’ll gain essential skills, receive formal recognition, and join a network of like-minded researchers.

Why obtain

this certificate?

Enhance Your Skills

Master the art of effective communication to present your research with clarity and impact.

Gain Recognition

Showcase your achievement by contributing to our blog and gain visibility in the research community.

Network with Experts

Connect with other researchers and industry leaders through our exclusive network.

Boost Your Career Prospects

Enhance your resume and professional profile with a recognized certification that demonstrates your commitment to excellent communication skills.

How to earn your certificate

Achieve certification with a clear and easy process

Complete the mandatory Storytelling workshop

Select 3 additional workshops of your choice

Publish an article on Globaldev Blog

Meet some of our expert trainers:

Learn from seasoned professionals who are dedicated to helping you improve your communication skills.

Catherine Otayek

Former Blog Manager

Catherine is the manager of the GlobalDev Blog and is also responsible for Program Communications, helping showcase GDN’s programs, unique approach and outcomes.

Stephania Cajero

Associate Editor

Stephania is the Associate Editor for the GlobalDev blog, and Social Media Manager at GDN. She has more than 5 years of experience in communications, working at GlobalDev, and started at GDN’s communications team in 2022.

Etienne Charriere

Blog Manager

Native of Switzerland, Etienne Charriere received his Phd in Comparative Literature from the University of Michigan in the United States. He joined the publishing arm of the Agence française de développement (AFD), France’s public development bank, as a Senior Editor in 2021.

Romesh Vaitilingam

Associate Editor

Romesh Vaitilingam is an economics writer, communications consultant and editor-in-chief of the Economics Observatory. He is the author of several books and reports on economics, finance, business and public policy, including the Financial Times Guide to Using the Financial Pages, which has sold over a quarter of a million copies since 1993.



Join our workshops to start earning credits towards your certificate.

Explore the upcoming sessions and secure your spot today!

May 15

October 16

Dakar, Senegal.

Communication for Young Researchers in the Sahel

GlobalDev participated in the first edition of GDN’s Foire aux Savoirs on May 15-16, 2024, in Dakar, Senegal.

We facilitated a workshop on Communication for Young Researchers in the Sahel. With 26 participants from various organizations and think tanks from the region, we explored:
– Writing for decision makers by crafting impactful policy briefs
– Enhancing research communication on social media

We also held a workshop on Collaborative Communication with the help of Etienne Charrière, an expert facilitator from the AFD.  25 communications experts and representatives from the same think tanks discussed their communication challenges and we worked on finding solutions together.

October 29

Rabat, Morocco

Université d’été 2024

As part of the Université d’été de la francophonie, organized by the Académie de la Francophonie Scientifique (AUF), GlobalDev gave a workshop in partnership with the Agence Française de Développement. 25 participants coming from different francophone countries around the world will have the chance to learn about writing effectively, using social media and public speaking. 

November 26

November 28

Suva, Fiji

Climate change communication

The GlobalDev team will be conducting 5 workshops during the GDN Annual conference 2024 that will be taking place in Suva, Fiji. In accordance with the theme of the conference “Global Synergies : Climate Resilience Strategies for a Sustainable Tomorrow”, one session will pertain to climate change communication. Based on a video intervention by neuroscientist Albert Moukheiber, who will explain the cognitive biases that hamper the shift from knowledge about climate change to action, participants will discuss communication strategies that can lead to action. Other workshops will tackle storytelling techniques, public speaking, creating visuals and social media.

October 30

Quito, Ecuador

First Communication Training

We organized our first communication training on October 30, 2023 as a side event of the GDN Global Development Conference 2023 in Quito, Ecuador. Six researchers from different LMICs learnt to communicate their research more effectively and more widely.  They had the chance to participate in four modules, mixing theory and practice, and led by international experts and the GlobalDev team: Storytelling, Creating visuals and infographics, using social media and public speaking. 

Researchers also had the chance to exchange with Shanta Davarajan, professor at Georgetown University and former chief economist of the Middle East and North Africa, Africa, and South Asia regions and the Human Development Network. Shanta, who has extensive experience in writing blogs, gave participants advice on writing and making their voice heard by policymakers.

There are no upcoming workshops at the moment. Check again soon!

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How to write a blog? Advice from experts

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