Leia Achampong

Leia Achampong

Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer - Climate Finance, Eurodad

Leia Achampong joined Eurodad in April 2020 to start up Eurodad’s policy work and research on climate finance, which includes building network capacity to work on climate finance. Leia began working on climate change issues in 2011 on policy, advocacy, (network) coordination and in communications and events. Prior to joining Eurodad, she worked at the WWF European Policy Office for over 4 years, and has also worked at Climate Action Network – Europe, Campaign Against Climate Change and the Environmental Investment Organisation. Leia holds a Masters degree in Sustainability Sciences and Policy from Maastricht University. In 2017, she was also lucky enough to have participated in the US State Department’s International Visitors Leadership Programme (IVLP).

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Climate Change Climate Finance Financing Development