Professor of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego
Professor, Sinos Valley University (UNISINOS)
Associate Professor of Economics at Vassar College, NY
Professor of Economics, Simon Fraser University
postdoctoral fellow, Universidad Nacional de Luján
Communications personnel, ActionAid Vietnam
Ph.D. candidate, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
Emeritus Professor, University of Namur
Professor of Translation Studies, Cardiff University
Economist at the IMF Research Department
Associate Vice-President, IFAD
Associate Professor, University of Oxford
Postdoctoral researcher, Peak Urban
Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University
Professor, University of Hyderabad
Head of the Center of Strategy and Competitiveness – Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, UWIDr. Richard Ramsawak is Head of the Center of Strategy and Competitiveness – Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, UWI. He has significant experience