
The special report by the International Panel on Climate Change warns that radical social transformation is essential to avoid a global temperature rise beyond 1.5⁰C. This column focuses on the need for decarbonization of towns and cities, which will require higher population densities, and action across the housing, transport, and waste sectors, as well as


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently released a special report on global warming of 1.5ºC, which underscores that actions to limit greenhouse gas emissions have been too little and too late. Yet many projects of adaptation still take the view that with just a few small tweaks, existing livelihoods and lifestyles can be


Coastal communities constitute a growing share of the world’s population, but they face an increased risk of flooding as a result of climate change. This column proposes new measures of the potential damages from coastal flooding, and argues for action based on the idea of ‘acceptable risk’: the maximum amount of damage a society is


The role and financing of infrastructure to enhance economic growth has resurfaced as a major focus of development researchers and professionals. This column emphasizes the need to consider the potential impact of climate change on infrastructure investment. In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, adopting policies to mitigate damage to new road networks can save billions of


Climate scientists predict that the number of extreme heat days will increase in many parts of the developing world. This column reports research findings showing that the rising number of extremely hot days in rural Mexico will lead to meaningful reductions in local employment. In response to extreme heat, some local workers are migrating, either

How should local communities prepare to deal with a potential shock such as flooding, drought or an economic crisis? Which resources – internal and external – are at risk, and which can be used to overcome those risks? And does this require mechanisms of coping, retreating, adapting, or something new? This column describes an interactive


Farmers and other groups that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change need effective risk management strategies. This column outlines the potential and practicalities of implementing climate insurance for farmers in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Timely and accurate data on rainfall are essential to its success, as is a program

How can coastal cities respond to the threat of extreme weather events due to climate change? This column outlines the vulnerability, exposure and challenges in communities of farmers and fishers in the Indian city region of Jamnagar. The adaptive capacity of the inhabitants is far from adequate, and action is urgently needed at the local,


Climate change is leading to unusually high temperatures during the growing season in many parts of the world. This column reports research on the responses of Peruvian farmers to the experience of extreme heat. The findings indicate that they are adapting to short-run weather shocks by increasing household farm labour and land use to maintain


There is a growing risk that millions of people around the world will be forced to migrate because of rising sea levels and other impacts of climate change. This column argues for immediate action – not just to make the transition to a low-carbon economy, but also to prepare for potential ‘climate migration’, so that